Kathmandu. On Sunday, actor Madankrishna Shrestha turned 73. On his birthday, a blood donation session was held in Patan Durbar Square. Harivansha Acharya, Kiran KC, and others were present.
Madankrishna's birthday was marked under the motto "Blood donation and life donation." In the initiative, both artists and ordinary individuals gave blood. Many others have also wished Shrestha, a comedian, a happy birthday. Every year, Madankrishna organizes social gatherings to commemorate his birthday.
Madankrishna began his cinematic career as a storyteller and songwriter in 2042 with the film 'Ke Ghar Ke Dera'. His most recent film, Mahapurush, was a box office success last year. His popular films include Sacrifice, Rajamati, Silu, and Lovipapi.