Kathmandu. Famous lyricist Chudamani Devkota's collection of poems 'Ardha Shatak' has been made public. Poet Devkota's work was unveiled at a function held at Nepal Academy on Monday. Program was presided over by Dr. Bhojraj Ghimire and Ganga Prasad Upreti, Chancellor of Pragya Pratisthan was chif guest .
Professor Mahesh Poudel was deeply critical of the book while Mahesh Prasai, the editor of the book, also shared his views on Devkota and the poems included in the book. Similarly, Pushparaj Poudel, proprietor of Shikha Books, a publishing house, expressed his views.
In the program, senior writers Dr. Bimal Koirala, Yadav Kharel, Dadhiraj Subedi,Prask Sayami Former Registrar of the Office of the Registrar of Copyright Visu Kumar K. C. Including the presence of dozens of prominent people in the field of literature.
Programme was hosted by the poet and lyricist Sushila Poudel.
Poet Chudamani Devkota, former president of the Songwriters Association of Nepal, was born on May 30, 1954 in Fujel village of Gorkha district. Devkota, who completed his MPA study from L'pool University UK , had earlier published number of albums. collection of songs titled 'Manaka Haraf', 'Dharti and Dhun', 'Bhugol and Bhavana', 'Mato and Mutu', 'Swadesh and Sapna', 'Mero Desh Mero Geet', 'Spandan' and 'Sapnima' has also been released. Poet and lyricist Devkota's 'Ardha Shatak' is his 10th literary work. This book contains 50 poems of various meanings.