Kathmandu. According to box office data, the'screen couple' of Dayahang Rai and Miruna Magar is the most popular in recent Nepali films. It is anticipated that 'Kabaddi 4', which was released in 2079, grossed roughly 22 crore rupees at the domestic box office, with these two playing the lead parts.
The 'Jari' of these two couples is being conducted aggressively presently. If we follow the box office trend, we can guess that 'Zaari' will earn at least two digits. The new film 'Nango Village' will include the 'cinematic chemistry' of Dayahang and Miruna, who are producing hit films one after the other.
These two will be seen again as a "screen couple" in the upcoming film "Nango Village." Dayahang-Miruna Jugalbandi will become a 'hat-trick' film if this one is a success. Rambabu Gurung, a filmmaker and director, deserves credit for putting these two together on screen. According to director Gurung, the audience loves to watch this couple after Kabaddi, which has surely benefited the domestic picture.
"Not only Kabaddi, but Jari has further established this couple." In the future film, these two will be seen together. "We got a positive response from the audience," Gurung remarked. Director Gurung is ready to shoot the upcoming film 'Degree Maila,' in which Dayahang plays the lead part.On social media, followers are asking to see Miruna as Dayahang's companion because the actress has not yet been cast. After seeing 'Jari,' film writer and critic Samipya Timalsina compared Dayahang and Miruna to Bollywood's famed screen duo Shahrukh and Kajal.
'Comparison is forgivable, the duo of Dayahang and Miruna appears ready to be a superhit like Shah Rukh Khan and Kajal of Bollywood,' Timalsina said after seeing the film. According to several critics, the combination of these two is even stronger and more emotional than in Kabaddi 4.According to insiders, several studios are interested in casting Dayahang and Miruna in the film. So why not? Last year, four films starring Dayahang alone in the lead roles, Kabaddi 4, Ke Ghar Ke Dera, Dui Rupee, and Phulbari, were box office successes.
Jari,' which was released within a few months, has reaffirmed his appeal in both the Nepali and foreign markets.