Progressive writer and lyricist Avishkar Kala has come up with patriotic songs by incorporating the pain, tragedy and current situation of the country through words.
The lyrics of the song are - 'Yahi Matoma'. Folk singer Jeevan Sharma has filled the music with voice in 'Yahi Mato'. The video song has been arranged by Narayan Dangal and edited by Tulsi Baskato. The song can be seen on singer Sharma's own YouTube channel.
The video of 4 minutes and 44 seconds clearly depicts the beautiful natural environment of Nepal, language, culture, perversion spread in Nepali society, economic condition of the country and reliance on remittances.
The song touches on the bitter reality that Nepali youth in particular have to go abroad. Instead, the song has given the message to live by eating sweet masino looking for an alternative in the country.