The 'Seventh National Folk Double Award - 2078' was held in the capital on Saturday, March 11. Singer Kushal Belbase and singer Shantishri Pariyar bagged the Best Singer award at the awards organized by National Folk and Double Song Foundation Nepal, Upatyaka Coordinating Committee, Kathmandu.
Singer Kushal Belbase sent a photo to the awards which were held in 36 different categories. Singer Shantishri, on the other hand, bagged the Best Singer award for her song "Galbandi Bol".
Singer Bam Bahadur Karki was felicitated at the award function organized by National Folk and Double Song Foundation Nepal, Upatyaka Coordinating Committee, Kathmandu.
Awards were given in 36 categories in the award program which concluded with the slogan "Respect to our campaign leaders, encourage new talents".
Singing and dancing performances by various renowned artists made the event even more lively.
Here is the list of award winners:
1, Lifetime Achievement Award
Senior singer Bam Bahadur Karki
2. Respect for the Creator of the Decade
Singer Ramji Khan
3, Evergreen Folk Song (Calcutta Kaiyo) Honor
Late. Jayananda Lama, wife Gopi Lama
4. Respect for folk art journalism
Journalist Naresh Phuyal
5. Institutional Creator Honor
Durga Rayamajhi, the father of Upatyaka Coordinating Committee
6. The best national song
Manoj Singh Dhami
7, Best Folk & Duet Dohori Sanjh Obligatory
Gems sold
8, Best folk & Duet Recordist
Suman Rana
9, Best folk & Duet sound mixing
Kumar Sanu Pun
10, the best folk double music composer
Dolaraj Bahra Ghare
11, Best Folk Double Music Video Editing
Nabin Gharti Magar
12, Best Folk Double Music Video Filming
Durga Poudel
13, Best Double Evening Singer
Saduram Roka
14, Best Double Evening Singer
Sharmila Kandel
15, Best Folk Double Contest Singer
Prakash Parajuli
16, Best Folk Double Contestant Singer
Mina Budhathoki
17, The best traditional song
Tejendra Gurung
18, the best folk song
Shankar Pant
19, Best Folk Double Song
Prakash Saput
20, Best Music Video Direction Acting
Binod Bhandari
21, Best Folk Double Music Video Dance Director
Smriti Timilsina Guru
22, Best Folk Double Words
Bijay Chand Darpan
23, the best folk double rhythm
Gobind Pangeni
24, the best folk double hero dance
Sagar Lamsal (Bale)
25, Best Folk Double Actress Dance
Rina Thapa Magar
26, Best Jury Award for Women
Remember Bhandari
27, Best Jury Award for Men
Yuvraj Magar
28, Best SMS Choice Award
Surendra Lamichhane
29, Best Creative Award
Kajish Shrestha
30, Best Multi Talent Award
Khem Century
31, Best Folk Double Hero Acting
Shishir Poudel
32, Best Folk Double Actress Acting
Saya Bhandari
33, Best Folk Double New Singer
Prakash Dutraj
34, Best Folk Double New Singer
Suman Thapa Magar
35, Best Folk Double Singer
Kushal Belbase
36, Best Folk Double Singer
Shanti Shree Pariyar