Kathmandu. The film 'Nango Village,' starring Dayahang Rai and Miruna Magar, has been released. The teaser poster was posted on Sunday, and the performance date has been set for August 29.
Teej Chheko, Dayahang and Miruna's new film, has a release date, while 'Jari' is doing well in theaters. The shooting of this film directed by Dipendra Lama is going on. Karma, Buddhi Tamang, and Ravindra Jha play important parts in the film as well.
Samragi Shah is rumored to have a unique cameo part. Jai Shrestha has made an investment in Himal Sharma's film.
The narrative and setting of the film are shown in the public teaser poster. The poster depicts an electoral rally against the backdrop of a hamlet. Miruna and Dayahang will share the screen for the third time following Kabaddi 4 and so on.