Kathmandu. The movie "Nai Nabhannu La 6" has a fresh release date set. The movie will be released on Baisakh 15, according to producer and director Vikasraj Acharya. After the pre-planned concert slated for the first of Baisakh was canceled, the sixth season of "Nai Na Bhannu La" is ready to begin.
'Prasad 2' and 'Prisoner's Letter' are also expected to be released on that date. 'Prasad 2' will compete with 'Nai Nabhannu La 6' at the box office after the release of the latter. 'Prasad 2' was not released on Chaitra 24 as planned after the Patan High Court's ruling.
The Salman Khan-starring films "Kisika Bhai Kisiki Jaan" and "Jackie: I'm Twenty One" will be shown on Baisakh 8 and Baisakh 21, respectively. On May 29, no movie has been slated for release.