Kathmandu. Singer Santosh Dawadi, who has been continuously active in the music industry, has recently released the song 'Laideu Nazar Yata' with a dancing beat.
Singer Dawad has been accompanied by singer Shrijan Shrestha. Lyrics by Dr. Baburam Dawadi and music by singer Santosh Dawadi, the music composition of this song is by Krishna B.K.
Nishan Baniyan has directed the video of 'Laideu Nazar Yata' released on the Panas Digital YouTube channel. The video features Niharika Thapa, Kailash Kathayat, and Baburam Dawadi. The video was shot by Suresh Shrestha and edited by Sujan Koirala.
Singer Santosh Dawadi has been active in the music industry for more than a decade and a half. Dozens of his songs, such as Chauka Parepachhi, Siththi Fukera, Nakhulkidai Gham, Kasam Sanu, Mutuka Ghau, Manka Kura, Jawanile Man Pagal, Samjhera Ma Runi, Papi Mayale, etc., are in the market. Santosh Dawadi, who mostly enjoys creating words and music himself, is also known as a good live doubles singer.