
Question to Balchi Dhurbe- Is their a crack in your relationship with Raju Master?

July 31, 2023
Question to Balchi Dhurbe- Is their a crack in your relationship with Raju Master?

Kathmandu. On Sunday night, stand-up comedian Raju Paudel, also known as Raju Master, revealed the new TV show "Lafda"'s trailer. This series, which is rumored to begin airing in August, does not feature his pal Marichman Shrestha, nicknamed Balchi Dhurbe.

There are reports that there has been a "crack" in the two people's long-standing professional partnership after Raju Master launched a new series sans Balchi Dhurbebi. The rumor got momentum once Raju Master revealed a new serial in the midst of it.

Balchi Dhurbe brought the TV series "Halka Muzha" on her own after being freed from the One-X bet case. Nothing in this involves Raju Master. Following Balchi's decision to act and direct by herself, rumors of a rift in the collaboration had already begun to spread on social media. Raju Master stated on Facebook on Sunday night that he would become very upset while composing a status update, but he made no mention of having any lighthearted fun.

Balshi Dhurbe, however, asserts that this debate is untrue in his interview with Online Khabar. These are all just rumors. Cooperation continues to exist. Juthe and I will be arriving soon," declared Balchi. It's untrue that we have to leave the valley because Juthe's arrival has been delayed.

Additionally, he asked them not to misrepresent their personal relationship. The brothers will soon create a combined video, according to Balchi, to comfort the audience.


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