Kathmandu. Actor Raj Ballav Koirala is going to make a comeback to acting after eight years. Raj Ballav confirmed that he is going to make a comeback in acting with the film 'Camino' which is going to be directed by Deepak Oli.
In the year 2015, the last movie 'Highway to Dhampus' starring Raj Ballav was released. With the release of this film, he left for America.
But Raj Ballav will not come to Nepal and shoot in 'Camino'. His part will be shot in Mexico and America. The plot of the film will also be about entering America in a risky manner by walking through South American countries.
The producer plans to shoot the film in Brazil and Mexico. Pradeep Khadka and Barsha Siwakoti have already been decided for the lead roles in 'Camino'. Sunil Bishta Gouli is the executive producer of the film, which will start shooting from Chait.
There are plans to shoot the film in Nepali, English, Hindi and Spanish languages. Camino means path in Spanish.