Kathmandu. It appears that the Nepali cinema calendar may be impacted now that the release date of Shah Rukh Khan's highly anticipated Bollywood blockbuster 'Jawan' has been set on August 21st. As a result, there is a good chance that Jharna Thapa's film 'Bhagwat Gita' would be released on August 29.
While a release date for 'Jawan' was not announced, the film was supposed to be released on August 15th, on the celebration of Janaipurnima and Shri Krishna Janmashtami. However, producer Sunil Kumar Thapa stated that when it was established that the youth would attend, they almost decided to change the performance date to August 29.
"Now it is almost certain that it will come after Jawan," he added, implying that it may arrive on August 29. "We plan to announce the screening date on Tuesday." Because raising the financing would take at least two weeks, Thapa plans to release the film by the end of August. However, Dayahang Rai's 'Nango Village' is reportedly set to be released on that date, and Swastima Khadka's 'Aincho Paincho' is also rumored to be released.
On August 29, producer Thapa suggested that the film would face box office competition from other films. With the mathematical idea that if it arrives before 'Jawan,' the film's business would suffer, and if it comes later, the film's business will suffer less, Thapa has decided to release it only after Jawan. The producer wants to come on this day since Teej has two days off on October 1st and Constitution Day is on October 3rd.