Kathmandu. Popular singer Tulsi Parajuli and popular singer Pravisha Adhikari's folk song 'Bainshko Satyanash' has been released. Singer Parajuli released the video among journalists. The video was released under the chief hospitality of senior writer and director Lay Sangraula. Senior artist Uttam KC and other guests and journalists were present in the program.
The song is composed by Ramesh Bisi and the music is composed by singer Tulsi Parajuli. The music of this song is composed by Raju Karki and mixed by Kishore Thapa.
Richa Thapa and Dharmendra Acharya are acting in the video of the song 'Bainshko Satyanash'. The video has been shot and edited by Meghraj Magrati, Shiv Vick has directed the video and Madhav Shrestha has choreographed it. The video of the song has been released from singer Tulsi Parajuli's YouTube channel.